Sunday, December 13, 2009

Warning Signs: Hairdo Edition

Dreadlocks on a White Guy


  1. I recently found your blog via Mather's page. I really like your blog. Thanks for sharing your drawings and words.

    Dread locks on a white guy (or woman), yes it does give a warning.

  2. Mather, I can't believe you remembered that!

    Charlotte, thanks for reading. Now that the holidays are over the updates should be more on the regular side.

  3. Hey Charlotte!

    Restaurant, I will never forget that line. Also I will never forget "like a hot dog down a hallway" which I recently used in a poem on Blue Jew Yorker. When I hear a good line I remember it and I steal it!

  4. Well, Mather, I can claim ownership to neither of those little gems. I was simply passing them along.
